By: Sivapriya | March.03, 2023

Work stress is the foremost of all the reasons for wakefulness or Insomnia. As of now, the world is in a pandemic situation, so we are all more likely to do our work from home. Some of us don’t have that work either. It gives a lot of stress due to rising competition and leads us to depression, stress, and trauma. These all factors lead to sleep disorders. Ugh! This cycle is ferocious. We all have a piece of awareness about having quality sleep to get a healthy life. In this blog, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about the role of Melatonin to improve the sleep cycle.
Melatonin is also known commonly as a sleep hormone. That Melatonin hormone plays a very important role in the body’s sleep-wake cycle as well as circadian
rhythm. Circadian rhythms are mental, physical, and changes of behavior that follow a cycle of 24 hours. The production of Melatonin starts to increase with
the darkness in the evening, which helps you to improve your sleep health and helps you to maintain your circadian rhythm.
Our human body is capable of producing enough Melatonin naturally. But, these days, due to lack of sleep, unhealthy sleep patterns, Continuous light sources,
unhealthy diet intake, and drugs will decrease production. So, people are more likely interested in taking external sources of Melatonin, in the form of capsules
or liquid. Studies have clearly shown that Melatonin can improve sleep.
What is Melatonin?
Melatonin is a hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland of the brain and then released into the blood. Light sources are one of the reasons that secretion
stops. When the world is beginning to dark, it prompts the pineal gland to start secreting Melatonin. As a result, Melatonin promotes our circadian rhythm and
helps to synchronize our sleep-wake cycle throughout the day. Doing all this, eases your sleep and promotes quality of est consistent.
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How Does Melatonin help The Sleep Cycle?
Melatonin always interacts with a human's circadian rhythm to send a message of sleep and wake signals to the human body. Melatonin levels start to rise when it the evening and increase in progress during the whole night. Rising Melatonin sends a sleep message to the human body. Likely, Melatonin levels also increase during the day but decrease in that progress during the day. The decreased level of Melatonin indicates a wake message to the body.

Human bodies start producing melatonin from approximately 7 PM each and every day, Then start producing aggressively from 9 PM. When you do not sleep
once your body sends the signal, it leads to irreparable problems for the brain. You need to sleep and wake at the same time every day. If you do not get a
reasonable amount or do not expose yourself to the natural light. To maintain the balance of our circadian rhythm to indicate sleep & wake, both daylight and
dark are important.